Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


The Commodore 600 series was known as the B128 in the United States, and the machine that was known there as the B256, was called the 700 series in Europe. These machines are also known as "CBM II Low Profile" and "CBM II High Profile", respectively.
The 600 and the 700 series are almost identical, but 700 series machines have a built-in monitor, a separate keyboard, and a different character generator ROM. The 610/710 has 128kB RAM, the 620/720 has 256kB RAM, and the 630/730 has 256kB RAM and a co-processor card (Z80 and 8088 were planned, but it is not sure if these cards actually existed).
The 500 series uses a 6567/6569 VIC-II video chip instead of the 6845 CRTC. It also runs at around 1 MHz instead of the 2 MHz of other Model B computers.
Of th roms below, the kernal and BASIC 8k roms are 2364 / MCM68764 compatible, while the character roms are .. complicated. The schematic says they are 4k 2332s, but also that pin 21 (an active-high chip select on the 2332) is A12, which suggests it wants to be an 8k 2364/68764. I have no idea.
See also ../b/index.html and ../../../b/index.html.


Disk drive firmware
CBM-II firmware from third parties
Model B Service Manual


8088.zip 2007-06-13 5716
Firmware of the 8088 board. The included disassembly has not been
cleaned up.

906114-0X-JEDs.zip 2021-01-19 1532
Data for various CBM-II PLAs in JED format by Steve Gray

b128-8000.901243-02b.bin 2009-08-18 8192
B128 BASIC 4, low part.
b128-8000.901243-04a.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B128 BASIC 4, low part, updated version.
b128-a000.901242-02b.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B128 BASIC 4, high part.
b128-a000.901242-03s2.bin 2022-04-23 8192
BASIC 4, high part from PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter, bundled
with 901243-02b and 901244-03b. Mislabeled 901240; corrected here.
b128-a000.901242-04_.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B128 BASIC 4, high part, with some additions to 901242-04a.
b128-a000.901242-04a.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B128 BASIC 4, high part, updated version.

b256-8000.610u60.bin 2007-06-13 16384
This ROM was in the socket U60 of a Hungarian B256, mapped at address $8000.
b256-8000.901241-03.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B256 BASIC 4, low part.
b256-a000.901240-03.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B256 BASIC 4, high part.
b256-a000.901240-04.bin 2009-03-18 8192
B256 BASIC 4, high part. Contributed by Oliver Fleischmann
b256-a000.xxxxxx-xx-wgbz.bin 2020-09-18 8192
B256 BASIC 4 high part, from Bo Zimmermans West German low profile machine.
Paired with 901241-03.bin and unk kernal

b500-8000.901243-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B500 BASIC 4, low part.
b500-a000.901242-01a.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B500 BASIC 4, high part.
b500-firmware.txt 2007-06-13 360
Notes on the B500 firmware.

characters-hungarian.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Hungarian model II character set, 8�8 matrix expanded to 8�16 by adding
blank lines.
characters.324867-02.bin 2017-05-23 8192
German character rom from CBM 7X0 computer
characters.901225-01.bin 1994-01-24 4096
Commodore P500 character set, 8�8 matrix (the same as in the Commodore 64).
characters.901232-01.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Standard model II character set, 8�16 matrix.
characters.901232-02.bin 2016-03-13 4096
Char rom from Christian Forstreuter's high profile CBM 710.
characters.901233-03.swedish.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Swedish/Finnish model II character set, 8�16 matrix.
characters.901237-01.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Standard model II character set, 8�8 matrix expanded to 8�16 by adding
blank lines.
characters.pet700_swe.bin 2023-07-31 4096
Char rom of PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter

fpla-p500.zip 2007-06-13 1985
Fuse maps for the two Signetics N82S100N chips used in the P500.
Submitted by Edward Shockley, http://www.insectria.net/b128.html.

fpla.zip 2007-06-13 1955
Fuse maps for the Signetics N82S100N chip used in non-P models.
Submitted by Edward Shockley, http://www.insectria.net/b128.html.
kernal.324866-03.bin 2009-03-18 8192
CBM-II kernal chip from German CBM 700 contributed by Oliver Fleischmann
kernal.901234-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore P500 KERNAL ROM, older revision. Part of the KERNAL ROM is
stored in the high part of the BASIC ROM 901235-01.
kernal.901234-02.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore P500 KERNAL ROM, newer revision.

kernal.901244-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore B500 (a.k.a. 610) KERNAL ROM
kernal.901244-03.swedish.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Swedish/Finnish B128/B256 KERNAL ROM
kernal.901244-03b-swe.bin 2022-04-23 8192
Kernal from Swedish PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter, bundled with
901243-02b and 901242-03S2
kernal.901244-03b.bin 2007-06-13 8192
kernal.901244-04a.bin 2007-06-13 8192
B128/B256 KERNAL ROM, updated version.
kernal.901244-04a.official.bin 2011-01-10 8192
Official updated ROM from CBUG #67
kernal.901244-04b.official.bin 2011-01-10 8192
Official updated ROM from CBUG #67

kernal.hungarian.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Hungarian B128/B256 KERNAL ROM
kernal.xxxxxx-xx-wgbz.bin 2020-09-18 8192
B256 Kernal from Bo Zimmermans West German low profile machine. Paired with
901241-03.bin and unk BASIC HI

kernal610-v3b-mod.zip 2017-05-26 34339
A modified kernal (version 3) for handling a 1541 connected to the Cassette
port. The source code is in ca65 format, and the schematic diagram of the
cable is included as a GIF file. Uploaded by the author, Ullrich von Bassewitz

kernal610.zip 2017-05-26 36816
A disassembly (in ca65 format) of the kernal version 3 with German comments.
Uploaded by the author, Ullrich von Bassewitz (uz@musoftware.de).

p500-basic-hi.901235-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore 500 BASIC 4, high part, older revision. Part of the
901234-01 KERNAL is at the end of this ROM.
p500-basic-hi.901235-02.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore 500 BASIC 4, high part, newer revision.
p500-basic-lo.901236-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore 500 BASIC 4, low part, older revision.
p500-basic-lo.901236-02.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore 500 BASIC 4, low part, newer revision.

pla-hp-906114-5.c 2007-06-13 2896
This C program contains logic equations of the 906114-5 PLA of
Commodore 700 series computers (high profile PET II).
pla-lp-906114-4.c 2007-06-13 3432
This C program contains logic equations of the 906114-5 PLA of
Commodore 700 series computers (high profile PET II). The
equations were obtained independently, and they match pla.zip
pla-p500.zip 2007-06-13 4015
64-kilobyte truth table dumps of the two PLAs used in the Commodore 500.
The inputs and outputs are permuted; see pla-hp-906114-5.c for the mapping.

pla.zip 2007-06-13 2862
Contents of the 82S100 PLA used in the Commodore 600 series computers
(low profile PET II), part number 906114-5.
Includes plans for replacing the chip with a PAL16L8.
plaReplacement2.jpg 2018-02-01 51841
Schematic for replacement -04 PLA, by Mate Sebok

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