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Clan Object Affects

Please refer to the Clan Upgrade helpfile for information on ordering clan upgrades.

The number and type of affects that can be added to an object are based on level and a points system. At any given level, an item can have a maximum number of points:

A point is :
+1 Str / Int / Wis / Dex / Con.
+1 Hit/Dam OR +2 hit OR +2 dam.
+10 HP / Mana / Move.
(Can be mixed, ie, +5 hp and +5 mana can be 1 point)
-2 To save_vs_spell, save_vs_breath etc.

The maximum allowable points by level of item are:

Level Range Max Points Level Range Max Points
1 - 5 1 91 - 100 8
6 - 15 2 101 - 110 8.5
16 - 25 2.5 111 - 130 9
26 - 40 3.5 131 - 150 10
41 - 55 5 151 - 190 11
56 - 70 6 191 - 199 12
71 - 90 7 200 13


  • Negative affects CAN be used to compensate for other affects but within the same group only and with a 50% payback rate. For example, if you want to go with -20 mana, you will only get +10 hp. Max negative points that can be used to compensate is level of item/20.
  • Items such as rings and neckwear that can be worn twice are restricted to 75% of max points with rounding down to the nearest point.
  • An item cannot have HR or DR greater than 1/10th of it's level.
  • Total points added to stats cannot be greater than 1/10th of it's level.
  • Skill affects are not currently available.

Cost to add to a clan item is 5000 per point.

Additional cost to purchase from a clan shop will be:

Points Cost Points Cost
1 200 8 2560
2 440 9 3240
3 690 10 4000
4 960 11 4840
5 1200 12 5760
6 1500 13 6760
7 1960    

Remember, these costs are in addition to the base cost listed under each individual item type.

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