Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



ChequeBook.sfx 2009-08-18 21384
Cheque Book Organiser by Peter Weighill.

Contact Dealer v3.1.Flash Inc.prg 2009-08-18 15104
A database for contact information. Kind of like an address book.

Contact Dealer-v2.CD.prg 2009-08-18 14798
A database for contact information. Kind of like an address book.
This version by Censor Design, released 1990.

formel1-500.sfx 2009-08-18 32308
Keep track of Formula One statistics with this German program.
formel1-dat.sfx 2009-08-18 42913
Formula One statistics from 1991 to 1997.
formel1.readme 2009-08-18 933
Information about the formel1 program.

Handy-filer64.prg 2009-08-18 4992
This is a nice database program which lets you to define the fields and
their lengths. The database is kept in memory, and you can load from
or save it to disk.

Practifile.d64.gz    (dir) 2009-08-18 55644
This is a database program for your C= 64 and is very useful
to store lists of contacts, records, etc.

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