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GEOS, the Graphical Environment Operating System, was introduced by Berkeley Softworks back in 1986 as an integrated GUI interface for Commodore 8-bit computers (among others). It features true point and click technology, with drag and drop access to file copying, printing, and deleting.
As an integrated environment, applications can easily share their data with cut-and-paste ease. WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) implementations, and access to text and photo scraps, make professional desktop publishing a reality for Commodore computers. A versatile driver-based system ensures that new printers, pointing devices, and disk drives will continue to be supported. The last version of GEOS (version 2.0) was released in 1988 with support for computer Ram Expansion Units. This meant that disk caching, access to multiple drive types, greater application space, and task-switching all became possible.
Since this time, support for GEOS has come principally from third party distributors (like Creative Micro Designs), and hobbiest programmers, notably Maurice Randall, Irv Cobb, MegaCom, and others. Some fantastic applications have been written, and continue to be developed for GEOS, including FAX software, browsers, desktop publishing applications, and much more. This page is dedicated to this amazing little operating system, and all the fantastic possibilities it provides for Commodore 8-bit computer users.
GEOS and GEOS products/technologies are the property of Breadbox (formerly GeoWorks).
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