Here is a view of the power connector on the computer side, notch down. It is translated from German. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Connection descriptions: 1, 2 Operating Ground (GND) 3 Contact of the contactor against ground (normally = out openly), is evaluated by the power pack 4, 7 Operating voltage (12-16 V, 1.5 A) 5, 8 Charging voltage Akku (18 V, 2.5 A) 6 Ground, comes from the power pack into the notebook. To consider still another longitudinal diode of the type is Erd64m-004 between them with self-'s building charging circuits that the connection 5/8 does not hang directly on the Akku plus, there is. Just as one should know that against connection 4/7 constantly the Akku tension rests, only around a further longitudinal diode of the same type reduced. This connection is connected through also by the main switch in the equipment.