Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



1541-2031-rom-source_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 206224
1541/2031 DOS source, in 3 D64 disks. From DJ collection.

1571.zip 1997-12-30 134493
Source code of the 1571 5.25" floppy disk drive. Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.
1571_DOS_Source-DJ81-02.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 122834
1571 dos source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii

1581-rom-source.zip 2019-02-25 97369
Assembly source to 1581 rom

1581.zip 1997-12-30 127492
Source code of the 1581 3.5" floppy disk drive. Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.
1581_DOS_Source-DJ81-03.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 86189
1581 dos source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii

2031sourcecode.d82.gz    (dir) 2018-05-18 186882
2031 rom source code, from Dennis Jarvis

4040-8050-8250-controller-code-tandon.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-05-18 7112
Assembler source for Tandon drive controller in CBM IEEE-488 dual drives

4040-source.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-05-17 66634
Source to 4040 rom, from DJ collection. Prob same as 4040.zip

4040.zip 1998-07-29 72261
Source code for the CBM 4040 dual floppy disk drive's DOS.
Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.
8250-src-merlin-jim-dennis.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-05-17 53669
8250 dual drive source code, from Dennis Jarvis

9065_DOS-Source-DJ81-01.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 52525
9065 dos source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii

all_new_dos.tar.gz 2019-02-25 4421666
Original assembly source for versions of firmware for 1541, 51, 70, 71, and

dos1rom.tar.gz 2005-06-15 66715
Commented disassembly of CBM DOS 1, used in the CBM 2040 dual floppy drive.
Hard-Disk-Source-DJ81-01.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 90085
"Hard Disk" dos source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii. Source comments claim a
connection to 8" floppy drives (8280?)

harddrives.zip 1998-07-29 66582
Source code for PET-era CBM hard disks. Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.
The archive contains also two PET programs. DOSSUPPORT is an
early version of the DOS WEDGE. You load and run it like a BASIC program.
Editor is some kind of editor program that loads at hex 7000 and is run by
SYS 7*4096. It adds the following commands: auto, break, change, delete,
find, format, get, kill, load, number, put, repeat, and save. I have not
figured out the complete syntax of most of the commands. Both of these
programs are compatible with BASIC 2 only. This information was supplied
by William Levak.
ramdos.zip 1997-12-29 33941
Source code of RAMDOS, a RAM disk program for the
Commodore RAM Expansion Unit (REU). Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.
serlib.zip 1997-12-30 224948
*Incomplete* assembler listing of the 1581 ROM (318045-01), source date "03/20/87�.

SFD1001-Source-DJ81-01.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 30296
SFD-1001 dos source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii

Super_DOS_27-Source-DJ81-01.d81.gz    (dir) 2016-12-25 51555
"Super" DOS 2.7 source from Dennis Jarvis, in petscii
first revision of the 1581 ROM. Uploaded by Dennis Jarvis.

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