Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



C64D_preliminary_product_definition.pdf 2020-07-27 25979
C65 Product Definition from Fred Bowen in 1987

C64DX-System-Spec-Update-1-May-1-1991.pdf 2020-07-27 2860407
C65 Specifications doc from Fred Bowen

c65_nostalgia.pdf 2020-07-27 6834048
Collection of conversations, technical discussions in early days of C65

c65cmds.pet.txt 2020-07-27 7630
C65 command set, in PETSCII format

c65faq.pet.txt 2020-07-27 14862
PETSCII version of Marko Makala's C65 FAQ

c65faq2.sfx 2020-07-27 31744
C65 FAQ by Marko Makala, in petscii seq files

c65faq20.asc.txt 2020-07-27 56598
ASCII version of Marko Makala's C65 FAQ

c65infos.sfx 2020-07-27 22937
Info about C65 in petscii SEQ files

c65manual.txt 2020-07-27 676109
Commodore 65 preliminary documentation (March 1991), "C64DX SYSTEM
SPECIFICATION", with addendum for ROM version 910501. The document was scanned
by Andreas Boose and Marko M�kel� in 1995 and converted to text by Frank
Kontros in 1998 to 2001.

c65manualupdated.txt 2020-07-27 677933
The c65 manual with helpful comments, corrections, and references by Ken

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