Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



Firmware for diagnostic cartridges
Disk drive firmware
3rd party firmware (function ROMs etc.)
Commodore 128 and 128DCR schematic diagrams


128ROMs.readme 2007-06-13 2951
Some information about the C128 ROMs.

8721.zip 2007-06-13 1296560
A full dump of the 8721 PLA in binary "truth table" format, extracted by
Nicolas Welte. Who can come up with the simplified logic equations?
8721reduced.zip 2007-06-13 9018
Reduced equations for the 8721 PLA dump. Produced by Wolfgang Moser.
Who can reduce these further?

basic-4000.318018-02.bin 2007-06-13 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1985 version, low part.
basic-4000.318018-03.bin 2023-04-24 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM first upgrade. low part.
basic-4000.318018-04.bin 2007-06-13 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1986 version (final upgrade), low part.
Saved from an EPROM.
basic-8000.318019-02.bin 2007-06-13 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1985 version (final upgrade), high part.
Saved from an EPROM.
basic-8000.318019-03.bin 2023-04-24 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM first upgrade. high part.
basic-8000.318019-04.bin 2007-06-13 16384
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1986 version, high part.

basic.252343-03.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM, a slightly newer 1985 version from a
cost-reduced Commdore 128 (128CR). The chip was a 27256 from a
motherboard marked "ENGR SAMPLE".

basic.318022-01.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1985). Same as 318018-02+318019-02.
basic.318022-02.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1986). Same as 318018-04+318019-04 and 390393-01.

basic.390393-01.bin 2017-05-24 32768
Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1986). Same as 318022-02 and

basic64.danish.325176-07.bin 2013-01-23 16384
C64 Kernel from a Danish C128.

c128_c64part.325182-01.bin 2012-10-05 16384
C64 Kernel from a Swedish C128. Last revision.

c128_c64part.norwegian.325179-01.bin 2017-04-30 16384
C64 Kernel for a Norwegian C128. Taken from a loose EPROM.

c128rom1.gif 2007-06-13 197937
c128rom2.gif 2007-06-13 165962
c128rom3.gif 2007-06-13 182944
c128rom4.gif 2007-06-13 135681
Commodore's C128 ROM Release announcement.

characters.390059-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Commodore 64 character set and C128 mode character set. In the C128 mode
set, the lower case characters b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, s, t, u, w and
y are different (all except the m are equal to the plus/4 character set).

characters.danish-d.325175-02.bin 2017-04-30 8192
Danish Commodore 128D ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the
C64 character set.

characters.danish.325175-01.bin 2017-04-30 8192
Danish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the
C64 character set.

characters.french.325167-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
French Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based
on the VIC-20 character set. The same character set has also been used
in Belgian and Italian versions.

characters.german.315079-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
German Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based
on the VIC-20 character set.

characters.ifb.325167-02.bin 2017-04-30 8192
Unknown Commodore 128 character set (I/F/B). The PETSCII character set is the
usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the VIC-20
character set.

characters.norwegian.325078-02.bin 2017-04-30 8192
Norwegian Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the
VIC-20 character set.

characters.norwegian.325178-01..bin 2017-04-30 16384
Norwegian Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the
VIC-20 character set.

characters.spanish.325171-01.bin 2017-04-30 8192
Spanish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the
VIC-20 character set.

characters.swedish.325181-01.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Swedish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is
the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based
on the C64 character set.

characters.swiss.325173-01D.bin 2014-07-04 8192
Swiss Commodore 128D ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set is the
usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based on the C64
character set.

complete.252343-04.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Commodore 64 ROMs and Commodore 128 screen editor, Z80 BIOS and KERNAL,
a slightly newer 1985 version from a cost-reduced Commodore 128 (128CR).
The chip was a 27256 from a motherboard marked "ENGR SAMPLE".

complete.318023-02.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Complete system ROM of an American Commodore 128 DCR.
The C128 mode BASIC and the character generator are on separate ROMs.

Layout: C64 BASIC (901226-01), C64 KERNAL (901227-03), C128 editor,
Z80 BIOS and C128 KERNAL.

complete.danish.318082-01.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a Danish Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the American
ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and in the main
KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.french.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a French Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the American
ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and in the main
KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.german.318077-01.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Ditto, for a German Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the
American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and
in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.german.318077-03.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a German Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the
American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and
in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.italian.318079-01.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a Italian Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the American
ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and in the main
KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.norwegian.318083-01.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a Norwegian Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the
American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and in the
main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.spanish.bin 2017-04-30 32768
Ditto, for a Spanish Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the American
ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and in the main
KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables).

complete.swedish.318034-01.bin 2007-06-13 32768
Ditto, for a Swedish/Finnish Commodore 128 DCR. EPROM label:

318034-01 DCR

C128 Ker.Sw/Fi

complete.swiss.318081-01.bin 2014-07-04 32768
Complete system ROM of a Swiss Commodore 128 DCR.

editor.finnish1.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM,
the Editor part ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger
editor.finnish2.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM,
the Editor part ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger
editor.french.bin 2007-06-13 4096
French version of the Commodore 128 system ROM,
the Editor part ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger
editor.italian.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Italian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM,
the Editor part ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger
editor.norwegian.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Norwegian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM,
the Editor part ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger

kernal.318020-03.bin 2007-06-13 16384
The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and
the actual KERNAL part. This should be the first version.
kernal.318020-04.bin 2023-04-24 16384
The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and
the actual KERNAL part. First upgrade version
kernal.318020-05.bin 2007-06-13 16384
The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and
the actual KERNAL part. This is identical with the upper half
of the 318023-02 ROM. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.fb.325166-02.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Unknown (F/B) C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the
actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.german.315078-01.bin 2007-06-13 16384
The German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and
the actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.german.315078-02.bin 2007-06-13 16384
The German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and
the actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.german.315078-03.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Updated German kernal rom

kernal.german.315078-03p7.bin 2024-01-04 16384
Alternate german kernal uploaded by S�ndor

kernal.german.U35.bin 2017-07-19 16384
German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual
KERNAL part from C128 SN#DA4-246431

kernal.italian.325168-02.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Italian C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual
KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.norwegian.325177-02.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Norwegian C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual
KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.swedish.325180-02.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Swedish German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the
actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernal.swedish.325189-01.bin 2017-05-23 16384
Swedish German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the
actual KERNAL part. Saame as 325180-02.

kernal.swiss.325172-01.bin 2017-05-26 16384
Swiss C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual
KERNAL part. Taken from VICE.

kernal.swiss.325172-02.bin 2017-04-30 16384
Swiss C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual
KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM.

kernalpart.finnish1.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part
($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs.
kernalpart.finnish2.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part
($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs.
kernalpart.french.bin 2007-06-13 8192
French version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part
($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs.
kernalpart.italian.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Italian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part
($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs.
kernalpart.norwegian.bin 2007-06-13 8192
Norwegian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part
($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs.

README.italian 2007-06-13 1110
Notes about the Italian C128 firmware

z80bios.bin 2007-06-13 4096
Commodore 128 Z80 BIOS. The first and only version.

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